Expert Procurement Training College

EPTC Consultants & Trainers

Our team of highly skilled and experienced consultants and trainers is dedicated to empowering organisations with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of procurement.

Mr. John Thomas

Course Advisor & Master Trainer)
Bachelor’s Degree in Business & Management, Diploma in Supply Chain Management and other Certificates attained from the University of Papua New Guinea & Queensland University, Australia

Dr. Paul A. Jilani

(Course Facilitator & Partner)
Doctorate in Global Supply Chain Management, Masters in Procurement & Supplies and Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and other Certificates attained from the Walden University USA, KCA University, Kenya Methodist University

Mr. Mark A. Krueger

(Course & Strategy Advisor)
Masters in Project Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Science & Management Certificates attained at the Queensland University & Sydney University, Australia

Mr. Gipe Sela

(Lecturer & Master Trainer) Diploma in Commerce in Accountancy, APICS Certification in Supply Chain Management & Inventory Management other Certificates attained from the University of Technology, Lae & Sydney University, Australia